Coronavirus (COVID-19): In-language advice and information

The best way to stay informed about the latest health advice regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) is by visiting the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services website.

Monitor official directions and advice

Making sure every Victorian understands what they can do to reduce their risk of coronavirus (COVID-19), is key to slowing its spread. The Coronavirus website is the best place to find up-to-date and accurate advice and includes information translated into a range of community languages.

COVID-19 vaccine information in your language

Information about COVID-19 vaccines has been translated into multiple languages. Find information in your language.

You can access this information at the Commonwealth's Department of Health website. 

Visit: COVID-19 vaccine information in your language | Australian Government Department of Health

Translated resources and health advice

If you have loved ones or community members who don't speak English as a first language, you can find in-language factual information about hygiene advice, factsheets and printable posters on the Coronavirus website.

There are dedicated web pages for each of the following community languages:

SBS Coronavirus Portal

SBS coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in your language

SBS is committed to informing all Australians about the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) developments. News and information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available in 63 languages.

Visit: in a new window)

Access to a translator for the coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline

Coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline

If you are concerned, call the coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline 1800 675 398 (24 Hours).

Interpreting service

If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.

Triple Zero

Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.

Health Translations - Coronavirus (COVID-19) multilingual resources

Health Translations is a Victorian government initiative that provides high quality consumer focused translated materials on health and wellbeing. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) information is changing rapidly, Health Translations is a comprehensive collection for all up-to-date translated materials. 

This link will take you directly to the coronavirus (COVID-19) collection of resources: facts sheets, videos & posters, currently available in over 100 languages. 

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity & Health manages Health Translations on behalf of DHHS.  

Visit: in a new window)

